Weekly Surgeries
Marie-Clair holds weekly surgeries at the Eric Liddell Centre and Morningside Library every Friday, from 10 - 11 AM. You can click here to sign up for one of her weekly surgeries, or to schedule an appointment with her at a different time.
Marie-Clair's 5 Quick Local Wins:
- Arranged for the vandalised Bus Stop on Morningside Road outside M&S to be repaired.
- Spoke to the owner of the overgrown hedge which was blocking the Nile Grove footpath, resulting in it being promptly cut.
- Arranged for the removal of the temporary cones and road signage across the ward blocking pavements and roads.
- Reported the uneven pavements in Marchmont.
- Reported the overflowing bins in Cluny Avenue and the playpark adjacent to St Peters and Cannan Lane Primary School.
Ensuring Canaan Lane Road Safety:
In response to pressing concerns raised about road safety on Canaan Lane during school pick-up and drop-off times, Marie-Clair held meetings with the head teachers and the schools’ parent councils of the Royal Blind School, Canaan Lane Primary School and St Peters, as well as the parent council of South Morningside Primary, to determine possible solutions. Specific problems include the volume of traffic during pick-up and drop-off times which is exacerbated by illegal parking, which then further reduces space on an already narrow road. Following these meetings, Marie-Clair has supported measures to improve safety on Canaan Lane and increase the number of safe crossings from her position on the Transport Committee and it is hoped that remedial action will be implemented early in the New Year.
Given the severity of the concerns, Marie-Clair has called for interim measures to ensure safety is not further compromised before permanent measures can be implemented, including a police officer to be present during busy periods and for extra patrols of parking wardens to curb illegal parking.
“Ensuring the safety of children as they go to and from school is vitally important and every option to reduce the risk should be considered. However, it is important to remember that these are also residential streets and that trials of improved safety measures should include active engagement with local residents in order to find the most efficient solutions to all concerns.”
Tackling Local Anti-Social Behaviour:
Local business and shop owners have been plagued by anti-social behaviour and theft in Morningside and Bruntsfield over recent months. The aggressive nature of the recent incidents has seen members of staff assaulted, spat on, verbally abused, and windows smashed. Marie-Clair said, “I have been in contact with local police officers, and have met with store managers in Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Superdrug and M&S alongside small business owners to discuss this disgraceful behaviour. The police have apprehended two individuals in connection with the incident in Sainsbury's and have launched ‘focused patrols’ to find those responsible for the other attacks.
“I think most young people in our area conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, but a small minority from elsewhere in the city travel to Morningside and Bruntsfield with the sole purpose of anti-social behaviour and theft. Their actions have a negative impact on the lives of local residents and shop workers. I am pleased the local police are committed to encouraging young people away from this kind of behaviour but will take appropriate action where incidents are reported and offenders identified”.
Anyone who has concerns about anti-social behaviour is encouraged to contact the police by calling 101 as promptly as possible.
About Marie-Clair Munro
Local resident Marie-Clair Munro was elected as the Scottish Conservative and Unionist councillor for Morningside Ward at the council elections on Thursday 5th May 2022. Marie-Clair attended St Thomas of Aquins HS, and has lived with her son in Morningside for 16 years. Marie-Clair has been involved in the Marchmont St Giles Playgroup, ran the Girl Guides at the Eric Liddell Centre, and supported local campaigns such as Friends of Midmar and Friends of Craighouse.
Marie-Clair said, “I’m delighted to be standing as your Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate. I have lived in this area my entire life so I understand the issues that matter to all of us living here. As a local resident I very much value what a special place this is to live but have also identified some of the things that need to improve to make it even better.”